Here are publications from Graham and the lab. If you don’t have access to any of these papers, please get in touch!


Park, T., Burin, G., Lazo-Cancino, D., Rees, J. P. G., Rule, J. P., Slater, G.J., and Cooper, N. (2024) Charting the course of pinniped evolution: insights from molecular phylogeny and fossil record integration Evolution 78 1212-1226

Xu, X. and Natale, R. (2024) Correlated evolution of beak and braincase morphology is present only in select bird clades Journal of Morphology 285 e21703


Černý, D., van Els, P., Natale, R., and Gregory, S. M. S (2023) A new genus-group name for Burhinus bistriatus (Wagler, 1829) and Burhinus superciliaris (Tschudi, 1843) Avian Systematics 1 31-43

Černý, D. and Simonoff A. L. (2023) Statistical evaluation of character support reveals the instability of higher-level dinosaur phylogeny Scientific Reports 13 9273 (Ashley Simonoff was an undergraduate author)

Machado, F. A., Mongle, C. S., Slater, G. J., Penna, A., Wisniewski, A. L., Soffin, A. Dutra, V., and Uyeda, J. C. (2023) Rules of teeth development align microevolution with macroevolution in extant and extinct primates Nature Ecology and Evolution 10 1729-1739

Wimberly, A. N. (2023) Predicting body mass in Ruminantia using postcranial measurements Journal of Morphology 284 e21636

Wisniewski, A. L., Nations, J. A., and Slater, G. J. (2023) Bayesian prediction of multivariate ecology from phenotypic data yields new insights into the diets of extant and extinct taxa The American Naturalist 202 192-215

Burin, G., Park, T., James, T. D., Slater, G. J., and Cooper N (2023) The dynamic adaptive landscape of cetacean body size Current Biology 33 1787-1794


Černý, D. and Natale R. (2022) Comprehensive taxon sampling and vetted fossils help clarify the time tree of shorebirds (Aves, Charadriiformes) Molecular phylogenetics and Evolution 177 107620

Natale, R. and Slater, G. J. (2022) The effects of foraging ecology and allometry on avian skull shape vary across levels of phylogeny The American Naturalist 200 E174-E188

Slater, G. J. (2022) Topographically distinct adaptive landscapes for teeth, skeletons, and size explain the adaptive radiation of Carnivora (Mammalia) Evolution 76 2049 - 2066

Wisniewski, A. L., Lloyd, G. T. and Slater, G. J. (2022) Extant species fail to estimate ancestral geographical ranges at older nodes in primate phylogeny Proceedings of Royal Society B 289 20212535


Černý, D., Madzia, D. and Slater, G .J. (2021) Empirical and methodological challenges to the model-based inference of diversification rates in extinct clades Systematic Biology 71 153-171

Lloyd, G. T. and Slater, G.J. (2021). A total-group phylogenetic metatree for Cetacea and the importance of fossil data in diversification analyses. Systematic Biology 70 922-939.

Wimberly, A. N., Slater, G. J., and Granatosky, M. C. (2021) Evolutionary history of quadrupedal walking gaits shows mammalian release from locomotor constraint Proceedings of the Royal Society B 288 20210937


Guillerme, T., Cooper, N., …. Slater, G.J, … and Philip C. J. Donoghue (2020. [Disparities in the analysis of morphological disparity] ( Biology letters, 16 20200199.

2019 Presslee S., Slater, G.J. , ……., Collins M. And MacPhee R. D. (2019). Palaeoproteomics resolves sloth, phylogeny. Nature Ecology and Evolution 3 1121–1130

Slater G. J. and Friscia A. R. (2019). Hierarchy in adaptive radiation: A case study using the Carnivora (Mammalia). Evolution 73 524-539.

Law C. J., Slater, G. J. and Mehta R. S. (2019). Shared extremes by ectotherms and endotherms: Body elongation in mustelids is associated with small size and reduced limbs. Evolution 73 735-749.


Law C. J., Slater, G. J. and Mehta R. S. (2018). Lineage Diversity and Size Disparity in Musteloidea: Testing Patterns of Adaptive Radiation Using Molecular and Fossil-Based Methods. Systematic Biology 67 127–144


Slater G. J., Goldbogen J. A. and Pyenson N. D. (2017). Independent evolution of baleen whale gigantism linked to Plio-Pleistocene ocean dynamics.Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B:, Biological Sciences 284.


Hunt G. and Slater G. J. (2016). Integrating Paleontological and, Phylogenetic Approaches to Macroevolution. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics, 47 189-213.

Slater G. J., Cui P., Forasiepi A. M., Lenz D., Tsangaras K., Voirin B., de, Moraes-Barros N., MacPhee R. D. and Greenwood A. D. (2016). Evolutionary relationships among extinct and extant sloths: the evidence of mitogenomes and retroviruses. Genome biology and evolution 8(3) 607-621.

2015 Slater G. J. (2015). Iterative adaptive radiations of fossil canids, show no evidence for diversity-dependent trait evolution Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 112(16),, 4897-4902.

Slater GJ (2015). Not-so-early bursts and the dynamic nature of morphological diversification. Proceedings of the National, Academy of Sciences, 112, 3595-3595.

Revell L. J., Mahler D. L., Reynolds R. G. and Slater, G. J. (2015). Placing cryptic, recently extinct, or hypothesized taxa into an ultrametric phylogeny using continuous character data: A case, study with the lizard Anolis roosevelti. Evolution,, 69(4), 1027-1035.


Slater G. J. (2014). Correction to Phylogenetic evidence for a shift in the mode of mammalian body size evolution at the Cretaceous-Palaeogene boundary and a note on fitting macroevolutionary models to comparative paleontological datasets. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 5, 714-718.

Martin-Scheel D., Slater, G. J. , Kolokotronis S., Potter C. W.,, Rotstein D. S., Tsangaras K., Greenwood A. D., and Helgen K.M. (2014). Ancient DNA and morphology characterize a new genus for New World monk seals. ZooKeys, 409, 1-33.

Pennell M. W., Eastman J. M., Slater, G. J., Brown J. W., Uyeda J. C., FitzJohn R. G., Alfaro M. E., and Harmon L. J. (2014). geiger v2.0: an expanded suite of methods for fitting macroevolutionary models to phylogenetic trees. Bioinformatics, 30, 2216-2218.

Tseng Z. J., Wang X., Slater, G. J. , Takeuchi G. T., Li Q., Liu J., and Xie G. (2014). Himalayan fossils of oldest known pantherine establish ancient origin of big cats. Proceedings of the Royal Society, B-Biological Sciences, 281, 1-7.

Slater, G. J. , Pennell M. W. (2014). Robust regression and posterior predictive simulation increase power to detect early bursts of trait evolution. Systematic Biology, 63, 293-308.


Slater, G. J.  (2013). Phylogenetic evidence for a shift in the, mode of mammalian body size evolution at the Cretaceous-Palaeogene, boundary. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 4(8), 734-744.

Slater, G. J. And Harmon L. J. (2013). Unifying fossils and, phylogenies for comparative analyses of diversification and trait, evolution. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 4(8), 699-702.

Fabre A., Cornette R., Slater, G. J. , Argot C., Peigné S., Goswami, A. and Pouydebat E. (2013). Getting a grip on the evolution of, grasping in musteloid carnivorans: a three-dimensional analysis of, forelimb shape. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 26(7).

Frédérich B., Sorenson L., Santini F., Slater, G. J. and Alfaro M. E., (2013). Iterative Ecological Radiation and Convergence during the, Evolutionary History of Damselfishes (Pomacentridae). The American Naturalist, 181(1), 94-113.


Slater, G. J. , Harmon LJ, Alfaro ME (2012). Integrating fossils with molecular phylogenies improves inference of trait evolution. Evolution, 66(12)

Rabosky D. L., Slater, G. J., and Alfaro M. E. (2012). Clade age and species richness are decoupled across the eukaryotic tree of life. PLoS Biology, 10(8), e1001381.

Meloro C. and Slater, G. J.  (2012). Covariation in the skull, modules of cats: the challenge of growing saber-like canines. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 32(3), 677-685.

Slater, G. J. , Harmon L. J., Wegmann D., Joyce P., Revell L. J., and Alfaro, M. E. (2012). Fitting models of continuous trait evolution to incompletely sampled comparative data using approximate Bayesian computation. Evolution, 66(3), 752-762.


Jaffe A. L., Slater G. J. and Alfaro ME (2011). The evolution of island gigantism and body size variation in tortoises and turtles. Biology Letters, 7(4), 558-561.

Van Valkenburgh B., Curtis A., Samuels J. X., Bird D., Fulkerson B., Meachen-Samuels J., and Slater, G. J. (2011). Aquatic adaptations in, the nose of carnivorans: evidence from the turbinates. Journal, of Anatomy, 218(3), 298-310.


Slater, G. J., Figueirido B., Louis, L., Yang, P., and Van Valkenburgh B. (2010). Biomechanical consequences of rapid evolution in the polar bear lineage. PLoS, ONE, 5(11), e13870.

Figueirido B., Serrano-Alarcon F. J., Slater, G. J. and Palmqvist, P. (2010). Shape at the, cross-roads: homoplasy and history in the evolution of the, carnivoran skull towards herbivory. Journal of Evolutionary, Biology, 23(12), 2579-2594.

Slater, G. J. , Price S. A., Santini F. and Alfaro M. E. (2010). Diversity versus disparity and the radiation of modern cetaceans. Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences,, 277(1697), 3097-3104.


Slater, G. J. , Thalmann O., Leonard J. A., Schweizer R. M., Koepfli K., Pollinger J. P., Rawlence N. J., Austin J. J. Cooper A., and Wayne R. K. (2009). Evolutionary history of the Falklands wolf. Current Biology,, 19(20), R937 - R938.

Slater, G. J. and Van Valkenburgh B. (2009). Allometry and performance: the evolution of skull form and function in felids. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 22(11), 2278-2287.

Slater, G. J., Dumont E. R. and Van Valkenburgh B. (2009)., Implications of predatory specialization for cranial form and function in canids. Journal of Zoology, 278(3), 181-188.

Dumont E. R., Grosse I, and Slater, G. J. (2009). Requirements for comparing the performance of finite element models of biological structures. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 256(1), 96 - 103.


Koepfli K., Deere K., Slater, G. J., Begg C., Begg K., Grassman L., Lucherini M., Veron G., and Wayne R. K. (2008). Multigene phylogeny of the Mustelidae: Resolving relationships, tempo and biogeographic history of a mammalian adaptive radiation. BMC Biology, 6(1) 10.

Slater, G. J. and Van Valkenburgh B. (2008). Long in the tooth: evolution of sabertooth cat cranial shape. Paleobiology 34(3) 403-419.